You came for the party, and you're going to stay for... the party. Because ditching is rude. I produce under the name Romulus, and I sometimes upload stuff here. Have fun listening to it and what-not.

Trent @ReconCraftTheta

Age 30, Male

Nothing yet.



Joined on 5/18/09

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ReconCraftTheta's News

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - July 3rd, 2012

Yeah. For a while I stayed away from NG but hey, what can I say, it's fun here.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - October 19th, 2011

YAY, I'm only leaving the stuff I like best here.

I'm just more serious about it then I was when I started, I suppose.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - October 8th, 2011

So as I continue to work in Fruity Loops, I got Reason 5 from a friend, so I'll be doing stuff in that as well. If anyone happens to see this and can offer advice on Reason, message me.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - October 7th, 2011

So yeah, because I'm uber smart (that's a lie) I've been realizing I have a crap ton of time in study hall. So what do I do? Mess around in garage band, duh.

...Although I've come to realize I hate that to. Tsh, stupid school macs! They should have logic. That'd be cool.

OPINIONS, THRUST UPON YOU. Yeah, forum time.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - October 5th, 2011


Posted by ReconCraftTheta - September 12th, 2011

So yeah, I know I'm not the best electro artist. But for those reading, I hope to not suck in the near future. I just turned 17, and got a new Midi controller/Keyboard for my birthday. I'll be honest, it makes doing things so much easier...

I finally broke past my fear of VST's as well... Over the past month or so I got a crapton of samples and vsts. So obviously we have more sounds to mess with.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - August 27th, 2011

Not all of my shit is on newgrounds.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - July 24th, 2011

So yeah, broke past my fear of keyboards. Almost totally redone version of "Apparently That Never Happened"... woohoo!!!

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - July 21st, 2011

So yeah. I'm working on the latest project, and basically, it's me trying to deviate from my original tracks. It's still going to be simplistic, definitely not any thing über intense or complicated. I mean come on, lets be honest, if I tried to do something like that, my head would explode :D.

Posted by ReconCraftTheta - July 19th, 2011

Alright, officially getting the hang on Fruity Loops... check out Endgeger (demo, of course) and give me some feed back.